Intro to decorators

Intro to decorators

A decorators is a way we can modify or extend a class, or a function (meathod, accessor, or a property) without having to mutate the callable that is being decorated. The callables behavior is only mutated when decorated.

Bacically a decorater is just a function we can use as a wrapper for the callable that is being decorated.

example: in python
# create the decorator that will "DECORATE" a callable (funtion / class / meathod) that its passed.
def lowercase_decorator(fn) :
  result_of_callable = fn()
  return result_of_callable.lower()

# the callable that will "DECORATED"
def funtion_to_deforate() :
  return 'Hello WORLD!'

un_decorated_callable_result = funtion_to_deforate()
decorated_callable_result = lowercase_decorator(funtion_to_deforate)

# invoke the callables 
# the actully function result with out it being mutated
print(un_decorated_callable_result) # 'Hello WORLD!'

# the decorated result 
print(decorated_callable_result) # 'hello world!'

In essence that is the logic behind decorater, however we dont write them like shown above. we write decorators with the @expression in python and typescript

def lowercase_decorator(fn) :

  def decorated_callable() :
    result_of_callable = fn()
    return result_of_callable.lower()
  return decorated_callable

# the original callable
def callable_to_deforate() :
  return 'Hello WORLD!'

# the callable that will "DECORATED"
def decorated_callable() :
  return 'Hello WORLD!'

originale_callable = decorated_callable
decorated_original_callable = lowercase_decorator(callable_to_deforate)

# invoke the callables 
# the actully function result with out it being mutated
print(originale_callable()) # 'Hello WORLD!'

# the decorated result 
print(decorated_original_callable()) # 'hello world!'
example: in typescript using a class
function lowercaseDecorator() {
  return function <T extends { new(...args: any[]): any }> (decorater: T) {
    return class extends decorater {
      msg : string;
      sayMsg() {
        return  this.msg.toLowerCase()


//  the original callable
class MyCallable {
  constructor(private msg: string) {
    this.msg = msg
  sayMsg() {
    return this.msg

const myFn = new MyCallable("HELLO WORLD!")

console.log(myFn.sayMsg()) // 'hello world!'

what makes decorators special. In my opioin decorators allow us to write better funtional code by allowing us to beeter compose and abstarte code.

we can think of a decorator as a higher order function (a function that either takes a function as and argument or returns a function)

some usecase for decorators would be taskes

  • loggin.
  • auhenticating.
  • tracing and instrumentation
  • metrics and analytics
  • mutatation