Discriminated Unions in TS
A discriminated union in typescript is a a feature that allows you to create variations of a type that shares a union.
example:// create a shared interface between the two types
interface SharedBioProps {
src?: string;
// create one interface for component with children of type ReactNode and text and title of type never
interface BioWtihChildren extends SharedBioProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
title?: never;
text?: never
// create one interface for component with children of type never and text and title of type ReactNode
interface BioWithTitleAndText extends SharedBioProps {
children?: never;
title: string
text: string;
// here we create the discriminated union.
type BioProps = BioWtihChildren | BioWithTitleAndText;
export default BioProps;
// here we import the type and us as our props interface in our react app
import BioProps from './bioProps.ts'
function BioComonent(props: BioProps) {
const { src = "", title, text, children } = props;
return (
{src && (
{children ? (
) : (